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Andrew Harry

Registered Polarity Practitioner. RPP

Andrew is a Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) - first registered on 31st March 2004, a full member of the United Kingdom Polarity Therapy Association (UKPTA).

Andrew Harry - Cornwall

Andrew's approach to his practice:

After 20+ years as a Registered Polarity Practitioner everything has simplified.  Andrew applies the Principle of Polarity to help you feel better and enjoy life more.


Additional information about Andrew's practice

In delivering all four pillars of Polarity Therapy – Bodywork, Exercise, Nutrition and Counselling – Andrew specialises in Psychotherapeutic interventions to bring balance back into the client’s nervous system by addressing the conflicting and dysfunctional strategies, that operate sub-consciously. Resolving these imbalances, through the application of the Polarity Principle and his extensive experience, Andrew draws on his additional NLP Training, as a Master NLP Practitioner, helping the release of self imposed restrictions into a more balanced and free flowing way of being. To your Rested Best.

Latest news

I am open for business, so check out the website and give me a call or email me.

Andrew's training and practice locations

Andrew successfully qualified as a Polarity Practitioner on 5th November 2003, having trained with - Masterworks International - Ireland .

He practises as a Polarity Practitioner at home in Carharrack, Cornwall

Further information about Andrew's practice

Andrew also practises: I trained as a Master Reiki Practitioner, a Master NLP Practitioner and also as a Polarity Therapy Professional and have distilled all of that experience and skill to help you get back to your rested best and beyond.  

You can also find information about Andrew on the website -

Click here to look at, and then print off, an information sheet about Andrew's practice.

Andrew Harry - Contact details

Mobile     07570 074374


Andrew Harry - Registered Polarity Practitioner - Cornwall UK